Undergraduate Travel Awards

Julia Doucette-Garr is Denésuline from English River First Nation, on Treaty 10 land. She is currently in her third year of University, obtaining her Bachelor of Science in Physics. Julia is a co-founder and a co-president of Usask.caISES, a student led group designed to bring together Indigenous students in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields. AISES, which stands for American Indian Science and Engineering Society, originated in the United States and has only recently expanded to Canada. Usask.caISES is amongst one of five AISES chapters within the Canadian region, which happens to be located at the University of Saskatchewan. If you are interested in joining or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact the group via email at usask.caises@gmail.com

Micheala Merasty is Cree and a member of Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation situated on Treaty 10 territory. Micheala is a third-year environmental biology student enrolled in the college of Arts and Science. She is a proud mother to a teenage daughter. She is a co-founder and co-president of the usask.caISES student chapter. .caISES stands for Canadian Indigenous Science and Engineering Society which is the Canadian Region of AISES (American Indian Science and Engineering Society). AISES’ mission is to substantially increase the representation of Indigenous people in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) studies and careers in North America. Research has been a focus of gaining experience in the biology field for Micheala. She spent two summers working in an entomology lab at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. This summer she is with the Water Security Agency as a technical assistant. Micheala will be working with an endangered species. Being a steward for the environment, she hopes to gain more experience in diverse environmental occupations.
Undergraduate Summer Studentships
Aden Tournier is Métis and has just finished his second year of his psychology degree at the University of Saskatchewan.
Aden will be working with Dr. Caroline Tait on the Network Environments for Indigenous Health Research (NEIHR) developement grant.

Mercedes Keshane is Saulteaux from Key First Nation, in Treaty 4 Territory. She is a mother to a beautiful daughter. She is currently enrolled in the Indigenous Elementary Education program at First Nations University of Canada, Regina Campus. Her future goal is to teach a holistic approach for land-based curriculum to Grade 3/4 students in her home community.
Mercedes' summer project is in partnership with Dr. Tara Turner at First Nations University to develop and implement a holistic Indigenous Mental Health Awareness and Prevention program/service to students and provide students with mental health supports throughout their university experience.
Graduate Student Stipend
Danielle Bird

Belinda C. Daniels

Belinda C. Daniels (kakiyosew) is a nēhiyaw from Sturgeon Lake First Nations, SK. Belinda has four children and a new grandson. Belinda resides in saskatoon-minatohk askiy. She is the founder of the nehiyawak Summer Language Experience (15 years), a summer camp held annually out on the land is one of its' best features, now a not for profit org. Inc. Belinda is a published academic writer, teacher, mentor and an award-winning educator. Belinda currently teaches Indigenous Studies, Cultural Arts and nehiyawewin Core Language classes for the Saskatoon Public School Division and is a sessional at CILLDI with the University of Alberta. Lastly, she a Ph.D Candidate with the Interdisciplinary Department at University of Saskatchewan.
*Belinda is also a recipient of a SK-IMN travel award which will support her in attending the International Bilingualism Conference to present on Language Revitalization in Edmonton, AB this June.
Nathan Oakes

Nathan Oakes is from Piapot First Nation, on Treaty 4 territory in Saskatchewan. Nathan completed his BSc in Physiology and Pharmacology in 2018, and is currently working to complete his Masters in Public Health at the University of Saskatchewan. While working on his Masters he continues to work part time with Nutrien Kamskénow Science Outreach as a science ambassador. He has also volunteered teaching dance in various First Nation’s communities, giving male youth inspiration to embrace education, culture, and art. Nathan has been recently selected to be a representative of the Young Alumni Advisory Committee and is a member of the Health Science Student’s Association (HSSA, SK). In 2019, Nathan attended the Indigenous Gender and Wellness – Idea Fair and Learning Circle and received a travel award to go to Montreal to collaborate as part of a multi-disciplinary research team working to develop ideas for new programming for Indigenous youth.
Carrie Pratt

Jacqueline Belhumeur

Jacqueline Belhumeur is a proud Métis woman from Regina, Saskatchewan. She is in the process of completing her PhD in the Faculty of Education program at the University of Regina. She is researching Indigenous women's work experiences in the academy as it relates to workplace bullying. She is concerned with the daily micro aggressions that BIPOC people face as well as the overt mistreatment of people in the workplace.
She holds a Bachelors of Education degree from the University of Regina (SUNTEP) and a Masters of Education degree from the University of Calgary. She considers herself as a teacher by trade even though she has worked as an Education Counsellor at Saskatchewan Polytechnic for the last 15 years.
Michelle Descheneaux

Marlene McNab

William (Bill) Cook

Peter Turner

Indiana Best

Indiana Best is a Métis student from Alberta, with ancestors from Whitehorse Plains, Manitoba. Before moving to Saskatoon, she completed a Bachelor’s of Health Science at the University of Calgary. She is currently in her second year of the MPH (Master of Public Health) thesis-option at the University of Saskatchewan. Her Master’s thesis focuses on the alignment of Métis cultural teachings surrounding problematic substance use, with current practice in Métis treatment centres. Her project consists of a culturally-centered structural analysis to better understand factors influencing the ability of treatment centres’ to provide culturally aligned care to Métis clients.
*Indiana is also a recipent of a SK-IMN travel award which will support her in presenting at the Canadian Public Health Association Conference in Ottawa, ON this April.
Graduate Student Travel Awards