You're Invited! (Sold Out!)

Thank you to everyone who has registered for the Gathering! We are currently at capacity and are looking forward to meeting everyone the 8-9th!

Join us for a weekend of learning, sharing and community building at the beginning of a new academic year! This event is open to upper year undergraduate students, graduate students and New Investigators with an interest in Indigenous health and wellness research! 

This is a free event to attend and SK-IMN will cover registration and the following costs (see below) for students and New Investigators.

Students in Saskatoon

  • Attend for free, food included for Saturday (breakfast, lunch, supper) and Sunday (breakfast, lunch)
  • Responsible for own transportation to/from Wanuskewin*
  • Optional tipi sleepover (costs covered by SK-IMN) Saturday evening 

*If you do not have access to a vehicle, please let us know and we will do our best to set up carpooling. 

Students in Saskatchewan (outside of Saskatoon):

  • Attend for free, food included for Saturday (breakfast, lunch, supper) and Sunday (breakfast, lunch)
  • SK-IMN will reimburse mileage at the University of Saskatchewan rate of $0.4283/km but encourages carpooling for environmental and financial resource reasons
  • Students responsible for own food on travel days to and from the Gathering
  • Optional tipi sleepover (costs covered by SK-IMN)
  • Accommodation for Friday, September 7th covered by SK-IMN (for those driving more than 1 hr/100 km)
  • Accomodation for Saturday, September 8th includes the tipi sleepover. All encouraged to participate as it will be a fun evening with cultural programming! In special circumstances, a hotel may be covered on a case-by-case basis. 


8:00 AM - 9:00 AM  Breakfast  Awi Paskwaw South Room 
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Opening Remarks Awi Paskwaw South Room 
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Dr. Carrie Bourassa

Awi Paskwaw South Room 
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM  Break Awi Paskwaw South Room 
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Concurrent Session 1: Student Cohorts

  1. Undergraduate Students
  2. Masters Students
  3. PhD Students & New Investigators
Tipi Village
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Awi Paskwaw South Room
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Concurrent Session 2: Cultural Activity

  1. Beading with Ruth Cuthand
  2. Sash Weaving with Kate Elliott
  3. Skills Competition with Randy Morin 
  4. Addressing Mental Health & Resilience in Academia with Dr. Holly Graham
Tipi Village/Awi Paskwaw South Room
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM  Break Awi Paskwaw South Room
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

  Panel 1
Indigenous in the Health Sciences: Research Methods


Joseph Neapetung - Phsyiology & Pharmacology
Kate Elliott - Medicine
Dr. Adam McInnes - Engineering

Awi Paskwaw South Room
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM Supper
Keynote: Dr. Roger Maaka
Awi Paskwaw South Room      
6:30 PM - 7:00 PM Move into Tipi Village Tipi Village
7:00 - 9:00 PM

Evening Programming

  1. Bison Hunt Program
  2. Cree Immesion with Randy Morin

Tipi Village
(Tipi Sleepover participants only)

9:15 PM  Bannock Bake + Muskeg Tea or Hot Chocolate Tipi Village
Free Time + Storytelling
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM Move out of Tipi Village Tipi Sleepover participants
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM  Breakfast  Paskwaw South Room 
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

  Panel 2:  New Investigator Panel
Building your research program as a student and new investigator.


Dr. Robert Henry, Sociology, University of Calgary
Dr. Heather Foulds, Kinesiology, University of Saskatchewan

Awi Paskwaw South Room 
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Concurrent Session 3: Professional Development

  1. Walking in Both Worlds & Medicine Bag Making
    Dr. Rose Roberts, Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Saskatchewan
    Dr. Stryker Calvez, Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Saskatchewan
  2. Introduction to Program Evaluation
    Micheal Heimlick, Evalutator (Two Bridges Consulting) and Sessional Lecturer, University of Saskatchewan
Tipi Village
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Awi Paskwaw South Room
11:30 PM - 12:30 PM

Concurrent Session 4: 

  1. Graduate Studies Abroad
    Dr. Michelle Johnson-Jennings, Indigenous Studies, University of Saskatchewan
  2. Taking your Research Skills Home
    Dr. Roger Maaka, Maori and Indigenous Studies, Eastern Institute of Technology
  3. Working in Post-disaster Indigenous Landscapes: a one-off challenge or the new normal?
    Dr. Simon Lambert, Indigenous Studies, University of Saskatchewan
Tipi Village
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM


Awi Paskwaw South Room
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Sweat (Elder Jake Sanderson)

Please follow typical Cree protocol


Keynote Speakers

Dr. Roger Maaka

Dr. Roger Maaka is a Professor in Māori and Indigenous Studies at the Eastern Institute of Technology, Te Aho a Māui in New Zealand and the former Head of the Department of Indigenous Studies (then Native Studies) at the University of Saskatchewan from 2003 to 2008. We are excited to have him back in Saskatoon to join us for this weekend! 

Dr. Carrie Bourassa

Carrie Bourassa is a Chair in Indigenous & Northern Health and Senior Scientist at Health Sciences North Research Institute in Sudbury, Ontario and the Scientific Director of the Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.  Prior to taking the Chair position in October 2016 and the Scientific Director Position in February 2017, she served her communities as a Professor of Indigenous Health Studies at First Nations University of Canada for fifteen years. Dr. Bourassa is an Indigenous community-based researcher whose research interests include the impacts of colonization on the health of Indigenous people; creating culturally safe care in health service delivery; Indigenous community-based health research methodology; HIV/AIDS, HCV among Indigenous people; end-of-life care among Indigenous people; dementia among Indigenous people, Indigenous Water Governance and Indigenous women’s health. Carrie is Métis, belonging to the Regina Riel Métis Council #34.  

Workshop and Cultural Facilitators

Beading with Artist Ruth Cuthand

Artist Ruth Cuthand will be joining us to facilitate two beading workshops on Saturday, September 8th open to 10 participants each. Details to follow.

Métis Sash Weaving with Kate Elliott

Join U of S Medical Student Kate Elliott for a workshop where you'll learn to weave a Métis sash!

Skills Competition with Randy Morin

Tipi Sleepover

Pe kapaysik Miykowapi - Come Spend the Night

Come spend the night at Wanuskewin's tipi village! After dinner, students will set up camp and participate in cultural programming, a campfire bannock bake and muskeg tea/hot chocolate. Please indicate on the Eventbrite registration if you are interested, and we'll send you the registration form.

Mini Language Immersion: Cree with Professor Randy Morin